It’s Easy To Prove They Have Jurisdiction.

That’s what I was told in a jurisdictionconversation yesterday.  “It’s easy to prove they have jurisdiction and the laws apply to you.”  I want to start by making it clear what Jurisdiction is in the event you don’t already know.

Jurisdiction – Definition

The geographic area over which authority extends; legal authority; the authority to hear and determine causes of action.” – The Free Dictionary

In simple English this means the right for someone to create rules that you must follow.  For example if you work for Tim Horton’s then the rules and policies of Tim’s apply to you while you are at work.  I don’t work for Tim’s so their rules can’t and don’t apply to me.  This begs the question of how does the “government” have jurisdiction over you and I and where is the proof?

Third Party Authority?

The statement continued to say that, regarding traffic regulations, the auto companies create the rules on safety.  Since we use the roads and operate their products they have granted authority over us to the “government”.  I’d like to know how a third party such as an auto manufacturer can grant authority over my person to another corporation called Ontario, Washington, or any other corporate governance?

Again, simply put, they can’t.  The only person who can grant that authority is you and you can remove that authority any time you please.  With this stated, in order for you to have granted that authority it must be done freely and with full disclosure of all aspects of the “contract.”

For example, in order for Toyota to grant authority over you to the “government” then you must have knowingly and willingly signed that power of to them.  I’ve never purchased a car and been advised that I was agreeing to any such thing so I must not have done so.

Source of Authority

Where does the authority of “government” come from then?  Well as they continuously make clear, the power is with the people.  Even the world’s largest authoritarian leader, Barrack Obama, states that the people are “governed by consent” and that he operates by the “consent of the governed”.  So if it’s the people who consent to being governed but you don’t consent and you don’t vote who then are these people?

I’ve been told before that it’s the “majority vote” that grants that authority but that can’t be true.  Just as Toyota has no right to grant authority over me, neither do my neighbors.  Democracy, majority rules governance, still does NOT grant jurisdiction over private persons and private businesses unless those private parties consent to the governance.  Any thing shy of that would be slavery and that has been globally banned.

If you are truly a free individual, living in a free society, maintaining your unalienable rights granted by God, then no other person or organization has the right to tell you how to live and what rules you must follow.  The legislature is written by corporate policy makers for private corporations owned by the “Crown in Right of London”.  Just like Timmy’s and Toyota can’t regulate our lives, neither can the legislature.  This has been stated in superior courts continuously.

But That is Anarchy

Yes it is.  Anarchy is NOT the illusion you’ve been told about people rioting and pillaging at will.  Anarchy is merely self governance.  It’s also called “Volunteerism”.  Where everyone does as they please and volunteers to assist or not assist with others.  Max Nebraska is a prime example of that.  It’s a small town that never incorporated and is self regulated.

Anarchy, or volunteerism is you prefer, is a much more efficient and inexpensive system.  It supports uniqueness and individuality.  Cutting all the overhead of salaries and expense accounts of corporate leaders results in greater profit margins and lower costs.  This is true of any business whether it be calling itself government or any other corporation.


So with that stated and knowing that I believe and support volunteerism, comment below and let me know what you think.  Do you agree with my ideas of anarchy or do you prefer the ideology of mob rule through democracy?  Be courteous to each other and explain your position soundly.  “You have to obey or else it would be the end of the world” is not sound logic.  “Democracy works within mutual minded people because …” begins a logical argument.  So let us all know your thoughts.

Perhaps you even have new ideas that you’re seeking a place to have them heard.  Let them rip too.  This is not a black and white, right or left discussion.  It’s an opportunity for everyone to express how they believe we could resolve the problems of corrupt governments which have grown rampant around the globe.

Peace and Blessings,


About Rob

I have over 10 years experience assisting people at looking at their problems and shifting focus so that they can begin to resolve the issues at hand. I don't "practice" psychological principles or homeopathic disciplines, I actually help real people learn how to shift their focus and see things in a different light. A light where they have the power and ability to resolve their issues practically and successfully.
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  1. I believe we already have anarchy. I believe anarchy to be when government, law enforcement and courts are corrupt and don’t follow the laws the say everyone else needs to obey.
    I believe that “We the People” no matter who or where you are, have the capability of coming together and making insignificant the “powers that be” simply by refusing to comply with their nonsense. It only takes learning that you are born free and that no one has authority over you for the world to put an end to all suffering and all hate.
    Color and race are equivalent to the type of car you drive, it’s not who you are it is simply the vehicle by which you are experiencing this journey.
    Wake up and love, love yourself, love life, love each other and the creator who made it all.
    Life would be so much simpler and so much better with those few simple things. Alas that we find ourselves needing to fight to bring about peace and harmony. And by fight I do not indicate or advocate violence, I simply state the need to stand up for freedom and truth.

    • Although it’s my opinion that your definition of Anarchy is incorrect I agree completely with your statement. Anarchy is Volunteerism and not the lawlessness that the media portrays it to be.

      We don’t live in a Volunteerism society. We live in a dictatorship run by psychopaths. They need to be ignored and resisted or there is no hope for the future of our species. The agenda has been made public and the time to resist and put an end to their power is now.

      Peace and Blessings.

  2. Hi Rob. I live in South Africa. Some 3 years ago I met a guy who introduced me to the freeman concept and I was hooked. For the first time in my life, I started reading statutes and legal dictionaries which led me to believe that there was deliberate deception used to enslave us on the modern democratic plantation. I have looked at the stuff of Rob Menard, Dean Clifford and even the complicated UCC stuff by Gordon Hall. I have done my NOUICOR and other notices etc. I have also joined the Republic of Good Hope common law society {} to re-venue my person out of the State of the Republic of South Africa. Even though I did all this, I still felt it was inadequate. After looking around at bit longer, I discovered the work of Marc Stevens {} and Larken Rose {} and a light went on for me. I have found their approaches closer to the mark of truth. Let him who brings the charge show the evidence that his rules apply to me. This is the missing ingredient in the Freeman movement. I now believe it is our belief in authority that causes good people to follow orders made by bad people and keeps us enslaved. Since then I discovered that perfected these ideas from a Godly Christian perspective. My knowledge is now becoming more complete as I study the concepts of pure liberty from the Creator’s perspective. There is no need for conflict or violent revolutions – we only need to stop believing that human government is authority and withdraw ourselves from their systems of government.

    • I agree completely, Daniel. I am familiar with all of the people you have mentioned and spoken personally with all of them except Larken. Although I disagree with some of their ideologies I do support their right to be different and believe as they please. I have used the “prove your claim” approach myself and have won in court via the prosecutor withdrawing. That is in my opinion a true and complete win.

      You say:

      . There is no need for conflict or violent revolutions – we only need to stop believing that human government is authority and withdraw ourselves from their systems of government.

      I hope you are right regarding the need for violence but that ultimately depends on them and not us as I will, and we should, defend ourselves against any and all threats against us just as they do. As to stopping believing that they have authority you are 100% correct. That is why Barry Sorento and Stephen Harper use phrases like

      governed by consent


      consent of the governed

      . They need the people’s consent whether it be conscious or passive is irrelevant. We need to educate the masses of exactly those facts and get as many as possible to simply make it known that the “government” does NOT have our consent and is in fact operating as organized criminals.

      – Rob

  3. I’ve been studying these issues for years now (mostly in confusion), but this past year I’ve taken the time to research in-depth for myself what this supposed government is doing to us… and lately have been taking some action to reverse any “consent” I may have inadvertently given… I figure that the first time this happened was during the S.I.N. application, so I went into Service Canada and filed a change (to correct the record – which we’re allowed to do at any time), removing the check mark from the “citizen” box and selecting the most appropriate box instead, which was “other”. They asked me to write a page to explain what it was I was trying to accomplish… so I stated that I was not given full-disclosure about what I was signing up for and chose to withdraw my consent… henceforth they could know me as “Freeman” (and I added that due to the stigma of that word, I’d also consider “natural person” or “resident alien”). What was the result?

    They ignored it. When I called in, the document I filed was mysteriously missing, as if I’d never even come in. And I had made sure to use my Statement of Live Birth as identification of the man I am.

    Maybe this is because I haven’t yet filed a My Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right? Or maybe because I’ve been on Social Assistance lately? I want to known as Free, and won’t ever stop until that’s how they recognize me… but I’m forced to send mixed messages due to a lack of effing M-O-N-E-Y arrrggghhh


    • My impression of what you are saying is that you are trying to become a “Freeman”, is this correct? The Freeman movement has been wrought with lies and fallacies most greatly of which has been the “name game” which has gotten many people thrown in jail or convicted as in the famous Meads vs Meads case and R. v. Scott Douglas Petrie.

      If you merely wish to change your “citizenship” and become a non-resident alien then I can’t actually tell you how to do that. I don’t believe the system would allow it but more research would be needed. Things to consider though, should you do that, is that you would no longer be entitled to ANY of the benefits of the corporation, i.e. your social assistance, C.P.P., or other financial benefits.

      As to the NUICOR, as it’s often called, I believe the government has stopped accepting and acknowledging them. I’m not sure why you would wish to file one anyways. If I wanted nothing to do with a corporation any more I wouldn’t send them letters requesting or announcing what I was doing other than as required to say “I no longer wish to deal with your company”. The same with the private license issue. Why would you contact them and announce that you were taking government plates off of your private vehicle and then tell them how to find you by telling them what you put on in it’s place? It makes no logical sense.

      Just my thoughts,


      • Unless it’s truly a bunch of pirates running the show, the law must still exist in some form… so I can undo anything I’ve done (correct the record as well)… I’m sure you’ve read the Maxims of Law…

        I’m not asking their permission to leave, I’m asserting my will – and wish to stop them from ignorantly associating my physical body with my person (as “should” be obvious… but we’re treated as infants/wards of the state until we claim otherwise – and I see the value in such a system really… because most people in this current world we live in aren’t ready to assume full-liability for themselves… we’ve never been taught how by our supposed school-system… so regardless of the whole “freeman” title (it’s just a word people, “meaning” is the important thing so…) when I say freeman I mean: “Judge me only by Common Law because I’m not part of your Company”

        I’m not a “vessel” and want nothing to do with the Laws of the Sea… this is land we walk on, so it should be pretty obvious really. UCC Law has become an infestation upon the land… has it not?

        A company is like a human, but it can’t die… which is frikkin scary in the case of something like say Monsanto… unless of course it goes bankrupt and closes – and these corporations have no soul, nothing to direct them to do good always and in harmony with the planet we all live on… nothing except a profit-motive really – so totally untrustable (and especially so as generations of people pass by… since control will deviate as per each CEO’s motives)

        As a human, we basically only ever have 1 CEO… so we definitely shouldn’t be treated the same as a corporation… acts and statutes are a farce – what I really want from this government is: FULL DISCLOSURE so that I might consider whether I want to contract with them… I certainly have the right to choose who I do business with…

        I like the idea of a NUICOR because it gives them a chance to better understand my stance (as I can include whatever truths I choose and shape it uniquely to my tastes) in any potential “contracting” scenarios. 😉

        Personally, I’d rather keep a driver’s license and passport than confuse already-confused police with “alternative” paperwork and risk some type of showdown… I’m actually a peaceful person and don’t feel the need for confrontation in my life. “Hand me the stupid ticket and I’ll just defeat it through paperwork” is the approach I’m choosing to take.

        My thinking with the whole SIN thing was just to correct the record since that’s when I feel I was originally considered to have given consent to be known as a citizen of CANADA. (but perhaps silly since they do have a measure of control on that one it seems)

        • Yes I have read the Maxims and yes you should be able to undo anything you have done even if you did it knowingly, freedom of association and all that, but you have to remember you are dealing with actual psychopaths when dealing with the “government”. These people typically became bureaucrats because they believed somehow it would grant them power and authority over others. Once they have that control they do NOT let go easily.

          Some in the past like Rob Menard have actually been able to withdraw from the system but what I have been hearing for the past couple of years is that no acknowledgement has been granted and in many cases direct refusal to acknowledge one’s rights to withdraw have been happening. By refusing I mean the agent contacted has replied with hostility and threats stating that no such actions can be done. (Yes that is claiming ownership over the alleged slave.)

          If you do intend on following that route and submitting a NUICOR I suggest you go all the way or not at all. Holding government identification while standing to a NUICOR removing your self from their system is very contradictory. Even with all of their documentation as protection I have won all of my cases against the crown. I give them my NUICOR verbally every time I deal with one of these nutbags.

          As to the U.C.C., yes it has infested our society but you have to understand that it is commercial law and does not apply to you unless you have entered into commerce under it knowingly as per the rules of contracting. I avoid it and I avoid any statutory legislation except to ask questions: i.e. “If this says this and that says that then how does any of this apply to me and where does your authority to charge me come from in the first place?” They hate questions as they have no answers and they must answer to proceed with the charges.

          I rambled a bit there but I thank you for your comments and contributions. Whichever way you decide to go I wish you well in your endeavors. My opinions are simply that, my opinions and cannot be considered as rules for you to follow. Every man must decide for themselves how to live. I merely provide support and acceptance of anyone who desires to live in peace with his fellow man regardless of how they decide to live.

          Peace and Blessings,


          • Thank you for your replies – I’ve kind of kept to myself, scanning the internet for ideas and what others are up to but most seem to keep-their-cards-close-to-their-vest. I love that we all have different ways of approaching these issues… 🙂

            Those in power are right to fear us leaving… even if it’s only relatively few… because their “power” is based on illusions and they can’t allow the illusions to be shattered… for some to have the power to free themselves of “the system”, and yet others to not have that power (but yet to have awareness of the difference) would be the beginning of the end of said system.

            Which I think makes it all the more important we persevere through to claim our freedom in as many forms as possible (and to share our results through discussion).

            I’m curious about your NUICOR… most of the ones I’ve seen are quite long, and I’m guessing that if you give yours verbally that it’s quite concise – would you mind sharing it here please?

            What you said about dealing with psychopaths reminded me of an article I read last week about there being a certain percentage of people in this world who have psychotic symptoms… and that it’s been pretty steady throughout our evolution as people. I wonder how we will manage to transition into better times FOR US ALL with such being the case… I don’t like the idea of branding someone as a villain just because of some symptoms, yet clearly such people cannot be permitted to have actual power over others!
            Here’s the link (it’s kinda dry reading, but eye-opening to know that there are people out there who just aren’t out for a happy, peaceful world – in which “power” is irrelevant):

            And a few quotes I’d like to share summing up my thoughts on what needs to be accomplished in our world (and why it’s been slow-going thus far!):

            “If the possibility of the spiritual development of all individuals is to be secured, a second kind of outward freedom is necessary. The development of science and of the creative activities of the spirit in general requires still another kind of freedom, which may be characterised as inward freedom. It is this freedom of the spirit which consists in the interdependence of thought from the restrictions of authoritarian and social prejudices as well as from unphilosophical routinizing and habit in general. This inward freedom is an infrequent gift of nature and a worthy object for the individual.”
            – Albert Einstein

            “Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.”
            ― Sigmund Freud, Civilization and Its Discontents

            “Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean.”
            – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

          • I admit that I’m not particularly well-trained to have personal responsibility, and it’s been tough to learn what it takes to thrive in this world of ours. Surely we’re creatures of habit to a large extent since it seems so tricky to gain effective changes in our lives… millions aren’t spent on marketing research for nuthin 😉 People are just special animals really, and we can mostly be trained as such… It would be soooooo much easier to just “fit in” and go along with what I’m told to do, and what my friends and family are already doing (and have been doing for generations), and what society mirrors is acceptable… but it wouldn’t be RIGHT, and so as I see it: I MUST LEARN HOW TO BE PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE at all costs!

      • One more 🙂 I’ve had fun researching these…

        “There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.”
        — John Adams, Journal 1772

        • For clarity of others reading this NUICOR means a Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim Of Right. When I wrote that I give it verbally what I meant is I don’t have a formal NUICOR rather, as I am doing now, I give my understanding when they come after me and my claim of right is that I stand and defend unalienable rights. You can check my YouTube page and listen to my “Beat Drive While Suspend” for an example. Another would be that when cops ask me for my ID I ask them “Am I now obligated to testify against myself?” Typically it confuses the crap out of them and they get forceful so I then agree to comply so long as they accept that it is under duress. I also record every interaction with these people if possible.

          As to your article I found it an interesting read but can’t say I agree with it. Watch Psychiatry: An Industry of Death and you will begin to understand my view on that “trade”. As to the increase in psychotic behavior I personally think a lot of it is due to the loss of personal power and freedoms.

          If I can explain that what I mean is that people naturally require the freedom to live as they please. In modern society we have so few actual freedoms that people instinctively fight to be at the top where they can gain the control over others and thus feel as they have more power over their own lives. Does that make sense to you?

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  5. It is an interesting subject to discuss no doubt. Regarding jurisdiction, I don’t think it ever likely that you will have a government official or agent explain explicitly how they have authority over you because they either don’t know or it is too uncomfortable a discussion. An ugly truth if you will. It is better for those in authority to operate with implied or silent consent over those masses lobotomized through the public schooling system.
    However, there is ‘proof’ and it all relates to the use of a legal name. 99.9% of people use a legal name, created by the government, to access government benefits and to operate in commerce. When one applies for a SIN or American equivalent, you declare yourself to be a citizen. On the Canadian application, there is a box for citizen that 99.9% of people select. Though this doesn’t say, “You must obey all rules we come up with at all times”, it might as well.
    The thing to remember is the elite believe in a utopia that involves a class system and has specific ideas of human nature i.e., that it is flawed and destructive. I am absolutely in favour of self-governance and the absence of rule for myself and anyone else who is able to accept complete responsibility for everything they think, feel and do. Thing is, until I am in a sustainable community growing sufficient food, I am interdependent on society and dependent on the monetary system. It is not easy to move out of the System. The elite have also engendered a situation where people legitimately need rules and authority in their present state. Due to the lack of responsibility in society, and a myriad of other systemic factors, people DO NOT BEHAVE. So we are in a loop where they do need to be controlled, but only because they have been controlled, so they need to be controlled.
    Human nature is the key. Can we end the war in ourselves, end the violence and the separation and evolve or do we choose greed and selfishness. One way is true anarchy, the other justifies the need for authority and control.

    • Ryno,

      Thank you for your comments. You touch on many points that I believe could use further actual debate and probably an agreement to disagree in order to establish any peaceful community; as many conclusions seem to lack proper evidence; ownership of the name for example.

      Some of your points I believe I already mentioned in this post but, if it’s acceptable to you, I’d like to respond in upcoming posts as there is much stated in your comment. So much that I tried to reply here and it was getting too long for a simple comment.

      – Rob

  6. Howdy rob; been a while since i commented or wrote u; i: a man; Allan; know what u say to be true; one of the biggest hurdles for folks,is not being able to comprehend the difference between english and legaleze; folks speak in a highbread of both and do not really know what they are saying;for example canada has its own interpretation act, so if canada calls u a person it is calling u a corporation; in the legal society u will find many types of persons;in plain english, person is a mask,actor,a fictional character that a wo\man plays a role; the long and the short of it is the wo\men that are supposed to be the pillars of society know this and use this knowledge to keep wo\man under their authority by our consent of our ignorance; a friend of mine, John; has a site called intrinsic rights and teaches folks how to read statutes and acts, also if folks use etymology on line they may look at root words of our language to comprehend the meaning—example—if i call rob a nice person, in english i just called him a foolish,stupid actor–i believe it is time for folks to get off their behinds and figure out the illusion that is being portrayed on us—–just saying man

    • While I see little use for statutes as they don’t apply to people who don’t work for the corporation that created them I do agree people need to look into the reality of what is going on. Yes, the Canada Interpretation Act defines person as a corporation. No, there is no other definition of the word person in any Act that I have found so far including the Income Tax Act.

      I am neither a corporation nor an employee of the Corporation of Canada so logic dictates said Act doesn’t apply to me. Lawyers typically hate logic. Especially prosecutors because it requires them to prove all the assumptions and presumptions.

  7. “The heart of man is desperately wicked, who can know it?” an old testament bible verse. To me this is the answer to communism, socialism and anarchy. There are too many selfish wicked people who cannot govern themselves and seldom do right by others. In a perfect world, anarchy would work. We would all just do the right thing. This is not that world. There has to be law and order otherwise we would be living by the law of the jungle which is kill or be killed.

    • You quote from Jeremiah 17:9. I’m familiar with that passage and find it interesting how you say it’s the answer to communism, socialism (like Canada, Australia, etc.) and anarchy but I’m not sure why you exclude democracy. In fact you only mention that we need law and order but we don’t currently have any in the western world. We have police with firearms and other weapons murdering the defenseless public. I accept and acknowledge that we need some form of justice to protect the people. What would you recommend since democracy obviously doesn’t work?


      • hey rob—dont get on much as i teach the trades to young folks 12-14 hr days—-am also dealing with the crown—the important thing i figure is the education of common law as a man and my person i hold as property in my wallet and what the meaning between the two are—the truth will set u free man
        just sayin—-Al

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