Freedom … It’s A Lonely Road

Say that word again: “Freedom”.  The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines freedom thus:

Definition of FREEDOM

1 :  the quality or state of being free: as Freedom

     a :  the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action

     b :  liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another :  independence

     c :  the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous <freedom from care>

     d :  ease, facility <spoke the language with freedom>

     e :  the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken <answered with freedom>

     f :  improper familiarity

     g :  boldness of conception or execution

     h :  unrestricted use <gave him the freedom of their home>


     a :  a political right

     b :  franchise, privilege

When I ponder what this book says about freedom I can’t help but notice several things stated in contradiction with our society today. In Canada they claim to be “the true north strong and free”. The United States claims to be the freest nation on earth and call their president the “leader of the free world”. The UK, France, Australia and many many other nations make similar claims of liberty and freedom and yet right there at the top of the list it reads: “the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action”.

When one considers this and then looks at our society where we are constantly demanded to follow arbitrary rules, rules created by people who supposedly work for us to protect our rights and liberties, we realize it’s actually insane.  There is no freedom in society today.  Not even a hint of it.  Freedom has been reduced to the “right to vote” for the next psychopathic collection of people who will oppress us as they deem fit.  Voting never has and never will equal freedom and if you believe it does then you need to research the USSR during the last century.  The Soviets voted every 4 years and had a greater turn out in most elections than the “free world” did; even back then when most “free” people would attend the polling stations.

Today most people won’t waste their time with elections.  They realize it’s futile and a waste of time.  The local elections last month here got a staggering 30ish percent of people to show up and they were ecstatic at such a high turn out.  The fact is freedom is doing what you want, when you want, how you want and not having to worry about what others think so long as you do no harm.

The first time I heard that concept was back in the 1980s from a witch (I actually do mean a witch, as in someone who practices Wicca actively).  It was unique and interesting to me back then.  I was in my early 20s and the concept of freedom like that had never previously occurred to me.  It did, however, seem self evident.  Why can’t a person do as they please so long as it doesn’t harm another?  Well in most nations the answer to that is “because the law says so”.  So maybe it’s time to change the laws, or better yet, maybe it’s time to take the power back from the “governments” and return it to the hands of the individual.

Dean Clifford has walked the lonely road of freedom.  His proclamations of liberty and Human Rights has been seen as an assault on “the system”.  As a result he has had his freedom from restraint by others removed by force by those who claim to protect said freedoms.  This weekend Dean has been in prison for a complete year.  There has still been no trial and no evidence of jurisdiction.  I’m sure some who read this will start huffing and puffing about how jurisdiction doesn’t need to be proven and all the typical shill arguments and like always, those with intelligence will ignore them.

We witnessed another victory this past Thursday where the prosecutor was forced to withdraw charges “due to lack of evidence”.  We are winning when the defense is proper and I’ve not seen one proper defense lose yet.  Next time you get assaulted by a psycho in uniform fight for your freedoms and see for yourself.  It’s like grabbing a lion by the tail and when you win it becomes really quite peaceful.  You actually begin to see the world around you again and begin to get in touch with the universe.  You see through the lies and curtains hung up there to hide the beauty from your eyes.  It’s a lonely road but peace and solitude always have been.  Lonely isn’t always a bad thing because lonely people find others like themselves and build towards common objectives.

Give it a try.  I think you’ll like it.  Do something, anything, this weekend “against the rules” that harms none but brings joy to your heart.  Do it for yourself and your own liberty.  Do it in memory of Dean on his anniversary of being in prison fighting for the rights and liberties we all deserve.

About Rob

I have over 10 years experience assisting people at looking at their problems and shifting focus so that they can begin to resolve the issues at hand. I don't "practice" psychological principles or homeopathic disciplines, I actually help real people learn how to shift their focus and see things in a different light. A light where they have the power and ability to resolve their issues practically and successfully.
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  1. Dean Clifford is DONE

    First of all, look up the definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

    All attempts to comment on Dean has result in my comments in being blocked.

    He has scammed so many people out of money and tricked people into various schemes where he has done no work himself. there are also heinous allegations to do with a women and her child who he tricked to live out on one of his “farms”. steer clear of this evil man.

    • I’ve heard many “allegations” against this man but have had no one bring forth any evidence of their claims. I approve your comment in the unlikely event that someone will actually produce actual evidence and not just bald accusations against him.

  2. Very interesting article – I actually just read several of your posts. Very thought-provoking and passionate.

  3. Hi Rob,

    Wow, this is a very thought provoking article!

    I have had a roam through your site and I must say – it is quite different than many, and in a refreshingly good way.
    I like how you don’t pussy-foot around – you believe it, you tell it.

    Keep up the Good work Rob – because it is good indeed 🙂

    Blessings Be,

    – Rich

  4. I’ve actually never heard of Dean Clifford and now I feel like I better do some research to get back in the loop! Even so, this article resonated with me on many levels. It reminds me of the “border crossings” within the USA that are no where near any national borders, that many people have taken to challenging because it does infringe on the people’s rights and freedoms as outlined in the Constitution. It seems a lot of people (especially people in roles of authority) have forgotten the meaning of the word freedom and, you’re absolutely right, voting is virtually irrelevant to this conversation.

    A well written and thought provoking article. I enjoyed it, and look forward to checking out more of your blog.

    • Thanks for the kind words and for dropping by to check things out. If you’d like to hear from Dean himself you can check out his audios on this site by selecting a link under the “In Honor Of Dean Clifford” menu bar above. You can also check out his own site at which is under new management on his behalf while he is being kidnapped.

      There are many videos and audios of him on Youtube as well but I caution some of those as he personally confesses that his earlier work was wrought with errors. As a result he recently has seen things as being much simpler than the “freeman movement” wants to profess.

      Again thanks for dropping by as when I found your site I believed someone of your mindset would appreciate the concepts that man should be allowed to live as he pleases; free of fictitious rules and ideologies. That is why I invited you so I hope you stick around and check things out more. I believe you’ll find a new home here as all free minded people are welcome no matter there personal views.

      Peace and Blessings,


  5. Rob, I honestly hope many more people will find their way to this site and will receive the necessary assistance to see things from a different perspective or light. You are right, sometimes we need to break free from our own personal chains and do something meaningful for our souls. Blessings!

    • Thank you for the kind words. I agree, people are too busy chasing fantasies that can never be fully achieved and stressing far too much. We all need to get back to the basics of being ourselves and enjoying life free of fictitious rules and ideologies.

      Peace and blessings to you as well,


  6. It never seems to be a calm topic. I’ve lost friends over the concepts as well as made friends over it. I hope yours comes to see the truth but don’t push it or they will leave your companionship out of fear of the unknown.

  7. Great post, Rob. Dean has been on my mind and my concern for his wellbeing resting in my heart for a full year now.

    I was having a conversation with an old friend just last night and began to introduce her to the ways in which my husband and I are choosing to do life and our reclaim our freedom. I did just what you are suggesting above and challenged her to do just one thing, anything, that defied the “rules”. She shut that conversation down down pretty quickly…

    Thanks, as always, for your insightful posts.

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