It’s been a bit since I posted last as I’ve been busy with other matters. For those who like to read my dialogues I apologize. For those who tried to spam my site with false names and addresses I don’t. For those who wrote in and requested my advise I responded to them all and if you left a bad reply address well I can’t respond to defective contact details. As to the title of this post, The Mark of the Beast, it’s been something I’ve been seeing a lot of talk about out there lately and I just thought I’d throw my 2 cents into the pot on it.
The Revelation of the Mark of the Beast
The Bible verse everyone is interpreting this long awaited and feared mark is Revelation 13:16-17 which states:
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Now I’ve heard several interpretations of this statement over the past few decades and they always keep changing. In the 70s people taught that it would be a tattoo, in the 80s with the sudden boom of computers both in the home and in business it was proclaimed to be a bar code. Here we are now in 2016 and everyone is proclaiming it’s the RFID chip. Could all of these be true and not true at the same time?
Everyone and the Mark of the Beast
Let’s break this down a little and examine it as if we were rational intelligent people and let’s start with the philosophy that the scripture is true. That would be scientific wouldn’t it? I mean it could be the word of God or it could be the planning of certain people but much of what is written within those books has transpired in one way or another so let’s begin with those assumptions shall we?
The “Beast” that was not yet present in approximately 60 A.D. when the Revelation of John was written will cause everyone to receive a mark. So let’s just start with that. A mark is something that identifies or signifies something. Like a check mark or an X for right or wrong. Cowboys use to mark their cattle with a brand, and masters use to mark their slaves in various ways throughout history to identify them as their property. Using this logic it makes sense that this mark is a symbol of ownership to this Beast that had not yet arrived.
Location of the Mark of the Beast
The mark will be in their right hand, or in their foreheads. Now that seems to be an odd statement for the mark to be IN the hand or forehead and many translators have since changed that statement to say ON which is a misinterpretation. The Revelation of John is highly symbolic and much of it obviously can’t be interpreted literally. Just consider the description of the Great Whore of Babylon as an example. The description is obviously symbolic otherwise we have to somehow genetically create such a beast and start worshiping it. So the words IN must mean inside the hand or forehead but then it wouldn’t be a visible mark which I will get to the reason I believe it must be visible in a moment.
So what is the symbolism of the right hand and forehead? The right hand has traditionally been considered the prime placing for a servant to sit beside his master. The Queen use to sit on the right hand of the King. Jesus is said to sit on the right hand of the Father. The right hand is the hand that does work, creates, scribes, and demonstrates command.
The forehead symbolizes thought and belief. It’s with the mind that all creativity begins and all orders and ideologies are created. When you consider the process of thought and interpretation of my philosophies here you may notice that the mental processes are occurring in the front of your brain, in your forehead.
Application of the Mark of the Beast
Now notice that verse 17 says that no man will be able to buy or sell without the mark or the name or the number of the beast? This symbol obviously has commercial purposes to it. There is no other penalty given regarding the mark. If you feel there is then demonstrate to me where you acquired this information.
So as to this point, if you’ve followed along and I’ve explained sufficiently, we can see how the mark is actually an ideology involving work and ownership. It’s a belief that one must subjugate to and follow in order to engage in commerce and trade within the system of the Beast. It must be apparent and obvious to others that you “have the mark of the image or the name” of the Beast which leads us to a discussion that has gone on throughout modern history since the Revelation was written.
What is the Beast?
The Beast, in my opinion, is NOT a person. The Beast is a system of control consisting of religious, economic, and legal values. The Beast IS “government”. It has existed for centuries and has dominated the masses in all forms of religious, economic and legal manner. It started with the Church of Rome and migrated to Kings and Queens. With the concepts of separation of Church and state it migrated to Presidents and Prime Ministers. It creates the illusion of freedom by permitting elections even in the most dictatorial states and with Hitler’s assistance and direction began an indoctrination program that today we call “education”.
Almost all states today are corporations owned by some one or some imaginary entity. Many are owned by a legal person calling itself “the Crown”. Most states permit you to believe in whatever God you want and to worship it in any way you want, even the USSR use to allow Christian and other religious worship. The only condition being that the state takes precedence over those beliefs. Many confused people use Romans 13 to justify this and it’s said that it was Hitler’s favorite Bible passage.
You must remember, however, that Paul was a tax collector who never walked with Jesus and he wrote much of the New Testament books. They were in fact simply letters that he wrote to local churches that the counsel of Nicaea felt would be appropriate for teaching in the church at large. Does it not make sense that a government employee would demand the government be obeyed?!? Paul was the equivalent of an IRS agent (or CRA if you prefer) who claims to have “seen the light and changed his ways”. Perhaps that is why the pope never claimed to be his descendant but rather Peter’s instead.
The state says that we must work and pay taxes in order to engage in commerce. It says we can’t buy or sell or trade without paying it our dues. Many states have said that the people aren’t allowed to use the natural resources given us by God and that we can’t grow our own food on the land we live on. If this isn’t the Beast then you tell me what is.
So in summary what is the mark of the beast and when will it appear? The mark is the belief and worship of the state. It is the working and funding of delusional ideologies that lead us away from freedom while convincing us that we are doing what’s righteous and good. It exists within our mind and in our actions and can be seen by all around us based on our obedience to it. It has progressively gained control over more and more of the Earth and if not stopped will destroy all in it’s attempt to control.
What will stop this global infestation of lies, theft and destruction? Many Christians unfortunately believe there is nothing they can do and that they must patiently tolerate this evil until Christ returns. I feel this is just another lie by the Beast. With states being corporations now they have mired the bronze with the clay and weakened themselves to the point where every man (, woman and child if you insist) has the power to say no and turn away from the false beliefs and teachings of state and government and live freely and in harmony with this great planet that was given to us by the Creator.
Take back control of your own lives in every and any way you can. Plant gardens, learn to sew your own clothes, and say no to the consumerism killing the living entity we call Earth. That’s the only thing that’s feeding this big ugly beast called commerce and corporatism. Refuse to enlist, refuse to consent, refuse to vote and build your own local communities that share and trade using your own resources. It’s time to say no to government and yes to how righteous living factually exists.
Until next time I wish you all Peace and Blessings,
P.S. I possess copies of an old series of movies that I’ll be uploading to YouTube called “The Mark of the Beast”. If you really want to see how foolish these “modern” teachings are of the end times then watch for them or contact me on how I can transfer you a copy as I’m sure the creators would want them shared as much as possible.