Understanding the Full You and Your Relationship to Law.

Creating yourselfAlthough many of my posts so far have been about the law movement and how to win in court, that was not my full intention with creating this blog.  I mean exercising these rights and doing those things are fun, they are fun because they are so basic and “preschool” in discovering and knowing who and what you truly are.

You must understand that my techniques focus on who you are and your relationship to the statutes which you allow to govern your life.  My methods work in court matters because I know that I am not the “person”, I’m not the “name”, and I’m not “owned” by anyone.  In fact it could be argued that I don’t even own body as Max Igan has stated in some of his podcasts, but I don’t typically subscribe to that theory.

The reason I created this site was to assist people in breaking free from the typical “follow the leader and do as you’re told” mentality.  Some people call this ideology sovereignty, others refer to it as being a freeman on the land, and there are still many other names you may have heard of including the oxymoron “sovereign citizen”.  People who are using these terms often try and slander the idea of being independent and thinking and acting for yourself.  The fact is that attitude and the actions that go with it are insane.  I mean isn’t that what an entrepreneur is?  Someone who does what they want how they want in life?

If we could just shift our focus for one second and see it like this: imagine you don’t like the route your life is currently taking you on.  What created the life you’re currently living?  You did.  There admittedly has been various influences in your life like school, religion, friends and family, but the life you live and the way you think is created totally by yourself. You believe what you believe because you chose to believe those ideas just as you are currently choosing to read this post.

Now you may choose not to believe what I’m writing here or you may choose to consider and accept my philosophy.  That choice is yours and yours alone.  Once you make that choice the fact is that it will have an effect on your life from that moment on.  Your life will either stay as it currently is because you choose to keep your existing beliefs or it will change because you change your beliefs.  Either way your life will be affected by your decision about this post.

The entity that makes that decision is what I call your soul or spirit.  It is the you that exists within that body and mind you possess.  It is nameless and untouchable by the physical realm but it can become known to others as you project it out into the world we know.  It isn’t a name.  It isn’t a legal fiction.  It’s the real you inside your body.

This is the “person” I wish to connect with and desire to assist to be all it can.  I don’t desire in any way that you “follow” me nor do I wish for you to see the world the way I do. That wouldn’t be assisting you to grow and be the best you are capable of.  I don’t want you to believe as I believe unless you actually see it within your soul the way I see it but even then there will be differences between us due to our personal life experiences.

With that said my next few posts will try to focus specifically on these ideas and I will attempt to provide you with real solutions on how you can “awaken” to yourself and take hold of your future.  If that sounds good to you please like and share this post.

Until next time,


About Rob

I have over 10 years experience assisting people at looking at their problems and shifting focus so that they can begin to resolve the issues at hand. I don't "practice" psychological principles or homeopathic disciplines, I actually help real people learn how to shift their focus and see things in a different light. A light where they have the power and ability to resolve their issues practically and successfully.
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